Sunday, November 26, 2006


MAX MARKS: 100 TIME: 3 hours
General Instructions: -
1. Answers to questions carrying 2-3 marks should not exceed 30-40 words.
2. Answers to questions carrying 4-5 marks should not exceed 60-80 words.
3. Answers to questions carrying 6 marks should not exceed 100 words.
4. Attempt all parts of a question together.
1. Briefly explain ‘Management as a Process’ 2
2. Classify business environment into two major categories and give one example of each. 2
3. Ramesh, a supervisor in a factory always expects that his subordinates should obey him. He is not prepared to listen to any suggestion made by workers. Do you think this quality of Ramesh will help him to become a good leader? Why? 2
4. What is meant by ‘Marketing Research’? 2
5. Differentiate between radio and TV as media of advertising on any two basis. 2
6. Your grandfather has retired as the Director of manufacturing Co. At what level of management was he working? What functions do you think he was performing at that level? State any two. 3
7. What is meant by ‘Directing as a function of management? 3
8. Explain ‘Esteem needs’ of an employee. 3
9. Explain ‘Personal interaction’ and ‘two way communication’ as characteristics of Personal selling. 3
10. Bajaj Auto wants to promote its sales in the market. Suggest any three sales promotion techniques for the purpose. 3
11. How are principles of ‘Scalar Chain’ and ‘unity of command’ useful to management? Explain briefly. 4
12. In an electrical goods manufacturing company, there are four main activities Marketing, Production, Finance and Personnel. The General Manager is planning to structure the organization. Which type of organization structure should he adopt and why? Give two reasons. 4
13. Name the basic methods of wage payment. State any three advantages of each. 4
14. What is meant by ‘Capital market’? Describe its nature. 4
15. Distinguish between the features of NSEI and OTCEI on the basis of size, securities traded, settlement and objectives. 4
16. What is the meaning of Management as an Art? Briefly describe any three of its features. 5
17. Explain briefly five ways in which Indian-managers are responding to changes in the business environment. 5
18. How are the planning and controlling functions of management interrelated? Explain briefly. 5
19. Explain briefly any five factors, which may influence the amount of working capital needed in a business enterprise. 5
20. The Directors of a manufacturing company are thinking of issuing Rs. 20 lacs additional debentures for expansion of their production capacity. This will lead to an increase in debt equity ratio from 2:1 to 3:1. What are the risks involved in it? What factors other than risk do you think the directors should keep in view before taking the decision? 5
21. ‘Defining organisational objectives’ is the first step in the process of planning. Explain the other steps of this process. 6
Explain in brief any six limitations of the planning function of management. 6
22. Define the terms ‘Responsibility’, ‘Authority’ and ‘Accountability’. 6
What is the meaning of formal organization? State any four features of formal organization. 6
23. Explain briefly ‘Job-rotation’, Vestibule training’ and ‘Apprenticeship programme’ as methods of employee training.
Explain ‘Profit-sharing, ‘Co-partnership’ and ‘Bonus’ as monetary incentives for employees in an organization. 6
24. Explain any three factors to be considered in connection with pricing decision of a product? 6
Explain briefly the factors to be kept in view while taking a decision on the channels of distribution of any product. 6
25. State any six-consumer rights, which are recognized in the interest of consumers.
State the responsibilities of consumers to safeguard their interest. 6

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